Hi all !
First off, I’m on Windows 7 and I use Bonita all in one. Then I’ve read this page :
first steps after setup
I’m able to connect with technical user as install:install but not with platform administrator with default credentials platformAdmin:platform
My file is located at : C:\BonitaBPMCommunity-6.4.1\workspace\tomcat\bonita\server\platform\conf\bonita-platform.properties.
In this file i can see :
#Platform administrator
If i change this datas, all works fine… I’dont understand the role of this user.
Someone could to tell me who is this user please ?
Thanks in advance.
as we have “technical user” to manage a specific tenant,
we have a “Platform administrator” to manage all the tenant.
It is used to initialized the platform and create the default tenant in the community version.
(http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/manage-platform )
It also allows to manage the creation/edition of a list of tenants in the commercial version.
Hope this helps.
http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/manage-platform is very interesting, thanks you !
But can you tell me in which situation I can use this code to initialize platform please ?
Thanks a lot
in your case, in community,
the platform and the default tenant are created automatically.
But will you may need to activate/deactivate the tenant for maintenance purpose for example.
You can see the full PlatformAPI here:
I see, ok I’ve understood, thank you.
Sorry for my poor english