Tenant Password error

The documentation states the following:

Change the default credentials
As a security precaution, we strongly recommend that before you start your application server, you change the default username and password used for the platform administrator and for the default tenant administrator.

When making the adjustments under this section, specifically in changing the tenant admin password, I get an error. I have made the changes in both: engine-server/conf/tenants/template/bonita-tenant-community-custom.properties and /client/platform/conf/platform-tenant-config.properties but the installation only works when the latter has the user name and password as install. Is there something missing in the documentation, or what am I missing?


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Hi Luis!

Thanks for your post! While facing the same issue, it confirmed the root cause was may be in Bonita, not in my inability to follow installation procedure and configure the environment properly.

I rollback the username/password for the default tenant in both file and it worked! So this is a workaround… acceptable as long as this is not a production server (security issue!).

I created a issue in the bugtracker: https://bonita.atlassian.net/browse/BBPMC-442
