It seems like we can’t configure our engine with Bonita studio, the “Configure” button doesn’t work. I had the same problem with the Bonita-6.4RC3 …
Is this a known issue ?
It seems like we can’t configure our engine with Bonita studio, the “Configure” button doesn’t work. I had the same problem with the Bonita-6.4RC3 …
Is this a known issue ?
I had the same problem yesterday, too. I deleted the process i tried to configure and re-imported it. Then it worked again.
It may help.
Kind regards,
I had the same problem and i solution it at the respective config file at C:\BonitaBPMCommunity-.4.1\workspace\default\process_configurations
my problem was in a atribute ‘group’ in the tag membership that wasn’t recognized, so i deleted the membership and restarted bonita. That solve my problem.
I also have the problem when exchanging diagrams between myself an another person. We can import the processes and organization. But the “Configuration” button is dead. In the error log I see that there indicates that upon hitting the “Configure” button, an error is generated as described by mfidalgo above.
!ENTRY org.bonitasoft.studio.common 4 0 2015-02-03 15:25:47.928
!ERROR org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.FeatureNotFoundException: Feature ‘group’ not found. (file:/C:/BonitaBPMCommunity-6.4.0/workspace/default/process_configurations/_tIViUZgwEeSFrPV_tqo1rQ.conf, 13, 52)
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl$1DiagnosticWrappedException: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.FeatureNotFoundException: Feature ‘group’ not found.
I found the .conf file mentioned by mfidalgo:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> /Group1The error appears to be related to the ‘group’ attribute mentioned on line 13.
I consulted a working config, and it looks like this:
[stuff deleted] /PL/Service AM /PL/Sales AgentSo exported files appear to generate the membership mapping incorrectly. Notice the code on lines 8-11. The values should not be attributes (as in original example line 13, they are child nodes.
So I corrected the XML in the first example to the proper XML structure:
<configuration:Configuration xmi:version=“2.0” xmlns:xmi=“http://www.omg.org/XMI”
xmlns:configuration=“http://www.bonitasoft.org/ns/studio/configuration” name=“Local”
username=“Jason.Luchenbill” password=“bpm” version=“6.4.0-005”>
Voila! Configuration works.
The exporter needs to be fixed.
If I delete the process, I can’t configure anything since configuration is done for a specific process.
After closing, re-importing, re-launching … Still doesn’t work.
I have the same problem. I imported diagram from previous version and when i want to configure actors, i click on button configure, but nothing happens. No window is opening. Any solution?
Moved my response to post.