Configure actor mapping with "Everybody"


I have a process that I want every to use.
In the actor mapping, I don’t find how to allow every user to executer the process.

How can I do this ?

I currently create a group “Everybody” where I add every users I create, but if a new user is created and we forget to add him in this group, he can’t access this process. I don’t think this solution is the best but this is the only one I have currently.

Hi Yannick,

Synchronization is the key, just write a process that runs at 01:30 AM every night to validate and add the missing users to the Everybody group.

You could also use this process to write out a report to deliver to the people who add users as a sort of KPI,

Users without missing information = 100%, or

Users with missing information = 10%,

of which
Group Everybody missing = 25%
Phone Number missing = 75%

Persons where information is missing are:

AJ Harris Group Everybody missing: Resolution add user to group Everybody
AK Number No phone number supplied: Resolution add users phone number

That’s a good idea. I will do that.