Confuiguración de entorno de desarrollo

Si tengo un equipo de desarrollo que va a utilizar BonitaStudio, hay alguna forma de poder instalar el programa diagramador en cada pc y se conecten a un server de desarrollo todos para que peudan desplegar allí los procesos, formularios y aplicaciones?

You: Do you…
Deep Thought: Have an answer for you? Yes. But you’re not going to like it.
You: Please tell us. I must know!
Deep Thought: Okay. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is…

Deep Thought: 42.

Sorry, :slight_smile: just one of those things that comes to mind when I have to say

I have an answer, but you’re not going to like it…

If I have a development team that is going to use BonitaStudio, is there any way I can install the program diagram on each pc and connect to a development server all so that they can deploy processes, forms and applications there?

You have asked:

  • can I have Bonitasoft Studio on all my developers PC’s? - Yes
  • can I have Bonitasoft Portal on a development machine for testing? - Yes
  • can they can deploy processes, forms and applications there? - Yes

BUT only one person should be in control of the BDM, this should be distributed whenever it is updated to everyone else’s PC and the Portal.

However for real SVN/GIT type integration and testing you need one of the Subscription versions of the software, the differences can be found here:


PS: While you may not like the answer, it gives the correct answer, please mark as resolved.

Thanks for your answer,

First, I want offer apologies if I don’t write correctly. I don’t speak english.

  • There is in Boita Studio a program that works only to diagram in BPMN?

The purpose is establish an unique tool for make BPMN diagrams.

Thanks for your answer,

First, I want offer apologies if I don’t write correctly. I don’t speak english.

There is in Boita Studio a program that works only to diagram in BPMN?

The purpose is establish an unique tool for make BPMN diagrams.

< Google Translate >
Studio fait des diagrammes BPMN, oui, lorsque vous vérifiez un diagramme, vous pouvez voir les problèmes non conformes BPMN, par exemple l’ajout d’un connecteur à une tâche humaine n’est pas conforme aux normes BPMN, cependant dans Bonitasoft, il est pris en charge.

Si vous voulez pure BPMN normes alors juste chercher une validation propre et il sera BPMN conforme.

< /Google Translate >

< Original >
Studio makes BPMN diagrams, yes, when you verify a diagram you can see the non-BPMN compliant issues, for example adding a connector to a human task is not compliant to BPMN standards, however in Bonitasoft it is supported.

If you want pure BPMN standards then just look for a clean validation and it will be BPMN compliant.

< /Original >