Consume a SOAP 1.1 Web Service with BonitaSoft 6.2.4


I am trying to consume a PeopleSoft Web Service with Bonitasoft 6.2.4. Since Peoplesoft
uses SOAP 1.1, while BonitaSoft accepts only SOAP 1.2, it is not possible to
achieve this directly.Note that i have already tried all the means mentioned in the forums available on the Web.

I would be grateful if you could tell me if you or other people have been able to connect
a peoplesoft webservice with bonitasoft(concrete working example)?

Thanking you in advance for you response.

Not sure about connection to PeopleSoft, but when you want to use SOAP 1.1, you can still use the same Bonita WS connector, by putting for Binding.
Hope this helps,


I’ve the same problem with the last version of Bonita, and I don’t find nothing interesting about this.
I very appreciate if you find a solution and could share with me.

Thanks in advance.