Consume SOAP 1.1 WebServices with Bonita Secure Web Service Connector


I don´t succeed in consuming a SOAP 1.1 Web Service with the "WebService SOAP 1.2" Connector in Bonita Studio. Maybe this could be caused by the Bindung-Id (just an idea, I cannot prove it). Connector forces me to use binding : "". As far as I know this binding is related to SOAP 1.2. But what about SOAP 1.1? When I use the SOAP 1.1 binding: "" the connector says that I use the wrong binding ID. As I said, I don´t know if this is the cause.

Even though all parameters are correct (endpoint address, SOAP-Action, envelope etc...), I cannot invoke the SOAP 1.1 service because of the error: Exception trying to call remote webservice

Does anyone has an idea?

Best regards

hello, I see that you posted the question on Stackoverflow too. Did you first check that this is working with 1.2 instead of trying first with 1.1?


I also experienced the same problem. Is there any solution? 


I am having same issue with a Peoplesoft SOAP 1.1 Web Service.
I am not able to connect with the “WebService SOAP 1.2” Connector in Bonita Studio.
Is there a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.

1.1 != 1.2, you can maybe take the source of the Soap 1.2 connector and modify it to make it work with 1.1? By the way, if you do it, it would be very interesting to share it in the Projects section of the website

Hello ttoine,

Can you please explain what you mean by source of the Soap 1.2 connector ? and how to modify it?
In Bonitasoft we can only input the parameters of the the SOAP.

Thank you ← source of the connector. then modify it, and just have a look at the many resources available to create a custom connector on documentation, blog, videos, …