Good Day,
I’m new in v7 of Bonita. I have a workflow with 5 tasks. Task 1 is performed by initiator. After submitting form, User2 will do tasks 2 to 5.
a. I have completed Task 1 and submitted the form.
b. I logged in as User2 and can see the task in User2 task list.
c. preview of the form is shown in the panel (right side)
d. after submitting form for Task 2, form is exited and task list is refreshed.
e. I needed to click on Task 3 in task list to access/complete form for Task 3.
Is there a way such that after submitting form for Task 2, the form for Task 3 appears without need to click on task list?
When I used to do this in v5.7, there is a “DO IT” button which would redirect me the form of Task 2. And after submission of form of Task 2, I can continue already to form of Task 3.
Thank you.
Alfred Ayson
1 Like
is how we decided to do it…
PS: While you may not like the answer, it gives a possible solution, please mark as resolved.
Good Day,
If we were to implement this, then instead of having a form for each task we will create a form with pages inside a container which will replace having multiple tasks?
Alfred Ayson
Yep…that’s one way of doing it,
The big question is are Tasks 2 and 3 really separate or are the part of the same task? Are they always done one after the other and by the same person. If you can determine this with fact then you will be able to decide on single form-hidden container or use the redirect widget here, though not recently updated it should work.
Yes tasks tasks 2 and 3 are separate tasks.
Task 2 shows “User A” the submitted request and “User A” decides to ACCEPT the request. An email notification will be send to the Requestor (using email connector – ON FINISH). After which “User A” proceeds to Task 3 to input results/outcome of the request. After completion Task 3, another email is send to Requestor notifying that the request has been completed.
Alfred Ayson
The redirect-next-task-widget does not work in the /bonita/portal/homepage. Is there any suggestion for this. e.g. on success of the submitted button to update the task list, and select the one under execution task? or sort the task list by last-updated?