How can I link 2 pages in bonita, for example I created the first form but when I click submit button it did not go to the next page?? I tried to create variables and did not work either as I am not good with Json and API, I watched many tutorials about Bonita, but still confusing and seems to be difficult ?
In Bonita, when you define a process each task has its own form.
Also in order to start the process a form is defined.
When you start the process or execute a task by submitting a form, you don’t immediately see the next task form because Bonita Engine work in an asynchronous way. By submitting the form you just gave an order to Bonita Engine to start the process or execute the task and Engine immediately reply to acknowledge it received the order. It does not wait to reach the next task before replying to the request sent on form submission.
Engine behave this way in order to provide immediate feedback to user even if some logic configured in the process is slow to execute (for example call to a 3rd party system).
Also note that two consecutive tasks in the process might be for different users.
A solution to your use case is the use of a custom widget in your form. This custom widget will change the logic of forms submission: when the submit button is clicked it will ask in a loop the Engine if a task is available for current user in the current process and if yes it will display this task form. This widget is available in the community contributions.
sorry I did not get it still confusing, would it be possible to record a video on how to do it?
I check the link you sent (contributions) and saw the “redirectNextTask widget configured on a task”
but can’t see edit the custom widget??
now the button is working, so when I submit it from client page it worked but did not go to Junior staff page, do not know where did it go…
You can export your process as a .bos file and share so that I can give it a try.
Sorry but I’ll have no time to register a new video on this.
would you mind to get your email so I can send the file to you?
You can use any online file sharing solution such as Dropbox, Google Drive… to share the file.
It seems that your actor mapping configuration is incorrect: for each actor you have a group, a role and a user with the same name. I suggest you take a look at the answer and comments I put on this other question to have a better understanding of how Bonita assign task to users. You can also watch a webinar about authentication but also cover the actor mapping.