i am very new to Bonita and have a problem. On my Applicationpage there is a button that should link to another form. I dont know how i can link to another form of the Application.
I want to link the Button “Erstelle neue Meldung” to the “MeldungAnAbteilungsleiterVertrieb”-Form (but with the user/instance).
This is the link to the bos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MFf0FdQcJVC5Ad56DTHx6UjLIrRZPUxn/view?usp=sharing
Thank you in advance
I think I need to clarify the difference between what is called page
and what is called form
in Bonita.
A form
is always associated with a process definition (i.e. a process diagram in Bonita Studio). Association of a form can be done in three different locations in the process definition:
- Instantiation form: it is the form associated with the process pool. This form usually have a single button widget with the action set to “Start process”. When the user clicks on the button a new process instance will be created.
- Step form: it is the form associated with a human step. This form usually have also a single button widget with the action set to “Submit task”. When the user click on the button the task is executed by Bonita Engine and process execution move forward.
- Overview page: it can actually be a form or a page. This user interface can display process and business data of a running instance but usually don’t include any button that trigger action on the process instance. It is a read only page/form.
Note that Bonita Studio doesn’t prevent you from using a page instead of a form for instantiation form or task form. I recommend to always associated a form and not a page with process definition.
created with the UI Designer are aimed to be used when creating an application
. An application is a collection of pages with a menu. It can be created in Bonita Portal.
A page
does not have direct relation with a process definition or a process instance. But you can still have interaction between a page and process. You can for example add a link widget on a page and configure the link widget type with “Process instantiation form” or “Human task form” or “Case overview” (it will lead to the display of the forms described above). If you use such link widget type it is recommend to configure instantiation form and human task form button widget “Target URL on success” property to load the application page: this will redirect the user back to the application page after submitting a form.
You can also have in a page buttons that will call Bonita Engine API for example to start directly a process instance without loading the instantiation form.
I hope this will help you.
Feel free to add a comment to this answer if you still have trouble to achieve what you are looking for.
I took a second look to your process and I think the issue is that you associated the page
“MeldungAnAbteilungsleiter” to the process instantiation form instead of using the “MeldungAnAbteilungsleiterVertrieb” form
The link you have in your page to the instantiation form should work just fine but using the widget type “Process instantiation form” might help to have something a little bit more readable.