Problem with submit button accesin to bonita forms by url


I have a problem submitting the forms accesing it by url. I am using bonita bundle v6.2.2 and, when I start a new instance of the process all goes ok, but when I try to submit a task, bonita tells me:

The information has been submitted.
A task is now available
/- link to the next task -/

but the link to the next task is exactly the same task I have submitted.

If I access again by URL, this loop happens again, but, if I click on the link above, the same form is displayed, i click on submit button and the process goes to the next task (a popup with an error is shown, but the flux of the process goes ahead with the next step )

Any ideas?



Looking your process, you can see that the task “Visualizar Lista para negociacao” is a iterative task.
The iteration is based on the list “pessoas”.

If you have 5 item in the list, then 5 tasks is generated on the case on this activity.
because you don’t have an actor filter, all user will see the 5 tasks ==> When you finish one task, you can access the next one, until you reach all element from the list pessoas.

==> Is that what you want (the iteration) ?
Do you miss the actor filter ?

Hello Pierre,

about the iteration, this is correct! But i don’t understanding the form behavior out side bonita portal!! The same submit button on form has two behaviors. (Like i said before the same form has two different actions , one inside the bonita portal and another when I call out side portal by form url) :frowning:

When I call the form outside i pass like that!
for a task execution form, following the example on bonita docs.

Thanks for helping

You can affect the task to an user via an call to the assignUserTask, or by using the actor filter.
The actor filter do the same behavior (assign to an user), with theses differences :

  • The actor filter can assign to an user OR to a SET of user
  • actor filter is map directly in the process (so it’s more visible, maintenable)
  • actor filter can be reusable in different activities

I just make a simple addmision form, which is created automatically but the submit button is not working

hello, could you please check how it works in Bonita BPM 6.3 ? we have improved the start of a case.

Hy i have the same issue with my form opened by url outside bonita portal.
When I click on submit inside the form task is already create a another task and don’t flow the current process. I don’t know why. And I follow the same process inside the bonita portal the flow before click occurs normally!

Before login I redirect to url:
#form=Negociacao–1.0–Visualizar Lista para negociacao$entry&process=4684516186616161501&mode=form&locale=en&task=280059

My Bonita version is BonitaBPMCommunity-6.3.1-Tomcat-6.0.37

could you share your process ?
Are you sure you have only one start event, and all activity has all some arrival transition ? If an activity does not have any arrival transition, then the activity is implicity a start event activity.

Sure!! BOS arvchive

Hi Pierre, thanks to reply. The iteration is correct, based on list “Pessoas” and I don’t have actor filters. The propose is the same actor interact on all five tasks, one by one. This behavior is correct when i open the task on bonita portal, but opened by url form out of bonita portal the behavior is change. Change because after submit first task of five, start a new case and not follow the next task… :frowning:
Call the form by url has many behaviors like this documentation , on this part** form= I call using this processName–processVersion–taskName$entry**but I dont know if is that right!

Thanks in advance.


I solved my issue by assigning the task to the user in my controller with the method assignUserTask before calling to the bonita URL.

Hy I’m solved my issue using the same approach! Thanks !