Customize Bonita appearance


I'm just wondering if it's somehow possible in community edition to change some details of my Bonita application, in particular:

  1. Change the login image in Bonita portal with a custom one
  2. Change the favicon of my application
  3. Customize the navigation bar of my application in terms of colors and type, i.e I would like to use a sidebar instead of a navbar

Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated

Hi Frap,

Change the login image in Bonita portal with a custom one

This one can be achieved by updating the resources in the bonita.war file of the Tomcat Bundle. It is using the image portal-theme/skin/images/login-logo.png be default.

Change the favicon of my application

Same. It can be found in the bonita.war in the portal-theme\images\favicon2.ico folder

Customize the navigation bar of my application in terms of colors and type, i.e I would like to use a sidebar instead of a navbar

This one can be achieved using a custom theme and application layout.
