Deploy Bonita BPM Community Edition on Amazon Web Services using CloudFormation

This article will explain how to deploy a Bonita BPM Community Bundle on AWS using CloudFormation.

This template will deploy an EC2 instance with an Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS AMI. Then it will install openjdk 7 and deploy under /opt/BonitaBPM a Bonita BPM Community Bundle using default H2 database.

This article is not an how to run Bonita BPM in production but aims to show you some bases and help you to deploy Bonita BPM on AWS.

To follow this tutorial you should, if it's not already the case, sign up for an AWS account first.

The CloudFormation template is available on GitHub

Then start the AWS console and go to CloudFormation.

Click on the "Create Stack" button.

Define a Stack name : "TestBonitaBPM"
Upload the template file : SampleBonitaBPMCommunity.template
Click on the "Next Step" button.

You can leave the default values and define only the missing parameters like :

  • KeyName
  • PlatformPassword
  • TenantPassword

Click on the "Next Step" button.

Review your choices and click on the "Create" button.

Wait few minutes.

Then when the status is "CREATE_COMPLETE" go on "Outputs" tab and click on the link provided.

You sould be redirected to the Bonita Portal and can now connect using the tenant login and password.

Note: no wait condition has been added yet into this template so it may take few minutes more in order to retrieve packages and start the service. Reload the page into your web browser after a while if needed.

Once you have finished your test you can delete Amazon resources by deleting the CloudFormation stack.

To do so, click on the "Delete Stack" button.