How to deply Bonita Studio in a web server (AWS, Azure)?

Hello there,

I’m a universitarian that has to work with this tool in a specific signature. It’s meant to be used as localhost, but i prefer to deploy it on some SaaS cloud service, such as Azure or AWS.

After looking for some info, this is all I’ve found:

Bad thing it’s from more than 10 years ago, and the template still uses a primitive Bonita version (see the github project).

I don’t mind forking the project and update the fields in the template just to match with the bonita studio version I’ll deal with in my classes (2023.1) but, there’s a lot of other info related that i’m not confident with (tomcat version, etc).

So my question is, do you know how can I change this template to be the most updated possible or if there’s another way to do this that doesn’t imply this template?
