display dynamic list in Select widget

I am trying to fetch values from PostgreSQL database and want to show these values in drop down /select box in Bonita ui designer. I have study many tutorial but not found complete useful information. I am new to Bonita so confused about how to show list of values in select box and pass selected value to next step. I have worked with input field and passed user input value using process variable to next step but do not how to work with dynamic select box. I have study this http://community.bonitasoft.com/questions-and-answers/mysql-db-select-list link but do not know what is list in …/API/bpm/activityVariable/{{taskId}}/list? Is this process variable.If this is a process variable then how to directly access it without contract in instantiation form and how to load it with database values?? kindly help as soon as possible.

Yes, ‘list’ in this case is the process variable name, and it’s type should be “list of maps”. But this way you can do it only on the form within the process, not in the instantiation form (as there is no process yet). I hope you know that. To do it in the instantiation form you probably need some other (your own) REST API.

Second thing - contract describes what the process expects to get from the form, not what it gives to the form.

Best regards,

then how can i get the selected value to next step.

how to get database values in bonita ui designer.