Dynamic Actor mapping from a database


I am new to Bonita BPM.

I need to design a work flow which requires dynamic actor mapping from database.

Its like an employee sends a request then the next level actor has to be mapped based on the employee department, e.g. employee in sales department requests for leave then the sales department manager has to be notified, while manager from mechanical dept. has to be notified when an employee from mechanical dept. requests.

So, how can I map actors (from database) for the manager roles based on the employee department variable.

A quick reply is much appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Hello Shahab,

I think that you should explore using actor filters. There is an existing actor filter that allows you to map a given task to the manager of the actor of another previous task. Also, you could create your own actor filter that connects to your database in order to retrieve the list of candidates based on your criteria.
You can find more readings in our documentation, about using actors and actor filters , as well as about creating actor filters .

Hope this helps,

Hi Shahabuddin,
Did you achieve it? I have the same problem.