Is it possible to change the pages in an application without having to go through the following cycle every time (which seems very clunky indeed)?
1: Edit the page in UI designer
2: Export to zip file
3: Log to portal in as admin user
4: Switch to admin mode
5: Go to “resources” and re-import the zip
6: Log out
7: Log in as application user
8: Test
There HAS to be a better way
Actually you forgot in Step 5(unless they’ve recently changed it to enable overwrite previous entry):
5.1 Remove page from application
5.2 Delete page from resources
5.3 Import page to resources
5.4 Add page back into application
5.5 Add page back into navigation (or as we do edit the XML directly (not recommended for the faint of heart though))
The immediate answer, for community at least is No. And yes I would like this to change too. I think the thing here is to find a way that semi automates it via a third party or it is, as you’ve found, a tedious manual task.
If you’re using Subscription it might be different but I don’t think so.
I’m sure you’re doing the same as us…we try to ensure the design is right as much as we can before deploy…not easy.
PS: While I understand this may not be the answer you are looking for it does answer your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply so others now it is closed.