I would like to use a template in my emails but when I add some css in the email connector (with the html tab), it disappears each time.
So how can I use a template with CSS in my emails ?
Thank you
I would like to use a template in my emails but when I add some css in the email connector (with the html tab), it disappears each time.
So how can I use a template with CSS in my emails ?
Thank you
This is exactly for the same reason you can't use CSS or iframe to design a email newsletter: CSS will be removed by the email client (Thunderbird, Outlook, Gmail Yahoo mail, ...)
If you want to send an email with a design you have to do it old school, directly on the html tags. For what I tested, you can use style="", it should work and is easier than to do it like in good old html 4.
I hope this will help you.
We can't use external css file but Bonita removes the <style></style> balise.
Example :
<style type="text/css">
#test {color: blue;}
<div id="test">Test</div>
Bonita only holds after changing the tab (HTML => Rich Text => HTML) :
<div id="test">Test</div>
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