executing the assignUserTask method of the ProcessAPI

Hi, i have a loop where im executing the assignUserTask method of the ProcessAPI and the first two executions are done with out any problems but the third is not doing well.

this messages you can see on the user portal.

The task "null" is now assigned to walter.bates

The task "Ingreso Requerimiento" is now assigned to walter.bates

The task "Login" is now assigned to walter.bates

I'm absolutely positive that the task isn't null.

Mi code works perfectly on bos6.1.0, but when i tested on 6.2.1 its start to fail.

could it be a bug?




The problem could come from the fact that the task you try to assign is not yet ready. Do you mind sharing the code you use to retrieve and assign it?



Is it in with the Portal of the Studio, or is it in a Production Bundle ?