Gateway with counter


I need to create a gateway that needs “at least m/n” approbations to follow to the next task, I’d wish to know how to model this condition and how to finish the process for the others actors that have not answered yet (I don’t want duplicate the future processes).

For example, if I have 4 approvers and I need just 2 approbations.

Thank you for your help.


I think you can use a multi-instanciated sub-process to do this.
You need a task “Give Approbation” that is a “Call Activity” task.
In the Iteration tab of this task, you choose to multi-instantiate the sub-process 4 times (the Cardinality).
You need a variable “counter” that is increased when someone give the approbation.
Then, you set the completion condition with a script. For example “return (counter==2)”.