Asynchronous workflow


I have a process where the main actor needs to able to other processes for other actors but should be able to continue with the main process until the other processes are completed.

E.g. an architect asks for a permit from the municipality, at the same time he asks for quotes from vendors and asks the builder to approve the design. These are all parallel processes running but should not stop the main process of creating a plan for the construction of a building. The architect has no influence on when each of the sub processes return. For one construction the municipality may respond quickly and for the other later.

How would this be implemented?


Ok. Found the answer. The tasks A, B and C must not after execution direct back to the main task and also not close with an end event.

It seems to me that it is a combination of the “selection and recruitment” and the “on-boarding” example on the bonitasoft website. The “selection and recruitment” process uses multi-instantiation to call multiple times the sub-process whereas the “on-boarding” process calls one sub-process that initiates several parallel activities to happen. The process that I have requires that the main actor initiates sub-processes but then can go back to initiate the next sub-process, etc.

The ideal scenario would be one central task screen with several submit buttons that initiate a sub-process and then bring the main actor to the central task screen.

I tested further. Multi-instantiation or a gateway with parallel tasks does not work here because they are all blocking the main actor to wait until the others are done. What I need is to trigger the sub processes for the other actors but allow the main actor to continue.

I have made some progress but with some issues. I am using now an inclusive gateway with one connection going back to the main task and always being true. The main task has three buttons for three tasks A, B, C. Depending on what button you click a variable is set to true and the gateway redirects the actor to the main task and the respective task. When I try this out it works initially but what happens is that now I have multiple instances of the main task instead of all going back to the same instance.

Any idea?

The weekend is quiet…

Glad you found your answer…
