Get Json url API from javascript var

Hi, I need to obtain the result of an API query to create and return a new array of objects in a javascript variable of the Form Designer.
I have a custom query that has as parameter the userId but I need to save in an array all the queries of the manager of those userId.


var inspectores = $data.InspectoresZonales;
var resultado = [];
var obrasinspector = [];
for (var inspector in inspectores)
for(var obra in obrasinspector) 
return resultado;

the main problem is that I can not get the data from the url.

Please , how can I solve it?

thank in avance

I dont think you can execute API calls from JavaScript variable.
Usually I create a variable of type API in form Designer. I set the value as /bonita/API/bdm/…
Then , in my javascript, i use ($data.variable) and pass it to the push method.

I do not understand what your solution is, my issue is that I have to execute an API query every time that it results in another var API.

API identity [“203”, “205”, “307”]
API query /api/bdm/…/q=query…f=id=203
API query /api/bdm/…/q=query…f=id=205
API query /api/bdm/…/q=query…f=id=307

array result [{obj}, {obj}, {obj}, …, {obj}, {obj}]

thank you