To Whom it may concern,
I am using Bonitasoft Subscription Version 7.3+.
I am trying to access Bonitasoft information from another application, on a different domain.
I am successfully using the ‘loginservice’ API. I am getting a status of 200. However I cannot get the X-Bonita-API-Token directly from that response.
I can see that the token is being set correctly in my browser as a cookie under the Bonitasoft server domain. However I am unable to access the cookies on that domain for the obvious reasons.
I need this token to make subsequent PUT, POST, and DELETE REST API calls. It is required in the header.
How can I get this token locally and put it in the headers of subsequent calls? I appreciate that it is being automatically put into all subsequent calls as a cookie by my browser, but it is not being put into the header.
Thank you,