groovy conectors, problem accesing bdm data

Greetings, Im having troubles with the bonita MicrosoftSQL server2008 conector. I need to make a query that depends on the data stored on the bdm. The exact problem is I can’t access the bdm data from the groovy script witch is creating th query

thanks a lot for the help


Hi, this is not possible. The answer is in documentation:

“In a connector, code is executed outside a transaction, so retrieving or updating business data by DAO is not supported. Manipulate the business data outside the connector, and use business objects as connector input or output”


Marcos Vinícius Pinto
MXM Sistemas

You can use a GString variable in groovy to replace values in dbm, try something like that:

GString myGStringSql = “”"
select *
from MyDatabase.MyTable
where SomeColum=${myBdmData.getMyBdmFieldName()}

return myGStringSql.toString();

In your data base connector you need to “Switch Editor” to have the posibility to use the groovy scrip to construct the SQL string.