How to insert data to external database using MS SQL server connector

I am trying to create a connector to pass data from Bonita to external SQL Server database.
I am able to connect to the external DB. 
I am using the graphical Query builder. If I pass constant values then it is working fine.
But I would like to pass values from BDM object.
If I select the BDM object , it comes as  ${MyObject},
how to point to a column or field value from the BDM object. 

Is there any example available that shows how to insert values using Graphical Query builder 



I recommend using the plain text mode to write your SQL query if you are comfortable with SQL.
The Graphical Query Builder is really intended to the beginner persona.

With the plain text editor you can write something like:

SELECT * FROM Table a WHERE = ${myObject.persistenceId}

The part inside the ${} can be any groovy expression.
