Help with process that has only .BAR file

I have a problem and I would like to see you if you could help me. I ended up losing the .BOS file plus recent of my process and I only have the .BAR file of this process, is there any way to achieve access to this process from the .BAR file? But this process was developed in version 7.5 of BonitaSoft.

  • .bos file is aimed to exchange resources (process diagrams, forms, BDM…) among different Studio installations.
  • .bar file is aimed to deploy a process.

In the .bos file (it is actually a zip file) you will a .proc file. This version of the process definition includes information required for execution (step, connectors configuration…) plus some additional information (color, position…) not require for execution.
Note that the .proc file can also be found in your Studio workspace directory inside My Project/diagrams folder.

In the bar file you will find:

  • the definition of the process build to be easily executable by the Bonita Engine: process-design.xml.
  • the process definition export as BPMN format (resources/process.bpmn). This format is an interoperability format. It includes all BPMN standard information but not the information specific to Bonita.

In your current situation I recommend to:

  • Try again to find a backups of your .bos file or .proc file…
  • If you don’t have any backup import in your Studio the BPMN file located in the bar file.
  • Use information stored in the process-design.xml to add again your Groovy script code.
  • Get the forms definition from the .bar file (resources/customPages folder)

I hope it will help you a little bit.