I'm using Bonitasoft 6.3.2 community edition. I have a process installed in the portal. Is it possible to export the process file to my local machine so I can modify it in Bonitasoft Studio? This is just in case the .BOS file is lost. Also, if the .BAR file is lost, is there a way from the portal to retrieve it?
Hi Michele
It is not possible to export a bar file from the portal. Moreover, bar files should be considered as binaries. You need source files ( .bos file ) to build bar files. So I recommend to not lose your source files.
You may want to store your sources in version control system like git. Entreprise edition comes with a Git integration but you can manually use git with Community edition.
If using a CVS seems overwhelming, be sure to at least use a safe storage and versioning policy for your .bos files.