I’m currently developing a Human resources diagram for hiring people. Although the possiblity of failling is always present during the trials, I don’t want to show the task of rejection until they have determined that the person failed at some point ( doesn’t matter on which task they failed ).
- I used an Inclusive Gateway to leave the possibility of doing the task “rejected” during the trials.
- The task is assigned to the group “Human Resources” not to a single person (although only the head of human resources or his substitute (when on vacation) is going to do that)
- I know that you manually can hide it, i want to know if there is a possibility of doing automatically
Thanks for your time
yes, you can do it automatically using API. I don’t have an exact script to share, but the key method is hideTasks . You will need to get the id of your user(s) and the id of the task in order to use it.
Here is a quick draft of a script that should help you start with (but you should test and probably adjust it):
import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.flownode.HumanTaskInstance;import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.Group;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.User;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.UserCriterion;
Group group = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI().getGroupByPath(“/acme/hr”); //get HR group
List listUsers = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI().getUsersInGroup(group.getId(),0,10,UserCriterion.FIRST_NAME_ASC); // getall users from the group
List listTasks = apiAccessor.getProcessAPI().getHumanTaskInstances(processInstanceId, “Étape1”, 0, 10);//get the id of task Step1 from the ongoing instance
for (User user : listUsers) {
apiAccessor.getProcessAPI().hideTasks(user.getId(), listTasks.get(0).getId()); //for each user from HR - hide the retrieved task
You can put it in a Groovy connector on a service task, for example.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for that! But i founded out that i want to do something else with the modelling… I want the task to make the person fail to be available (and hidden) BUT after failling, the trials should finish and my diagram doesn’t model that , can you give me any help to model this idea?
Here is my diagram the Xor is for different types of jobs that have different trials.