I am using Bonitasoft 7.2 and would like to know how Can I assign a Human Task Step to a single user.
I want to assign a human task after Manager Approval to John, how can I achieve this? Any idea?
I selected Human Task->General Tab->Actors-> Actor Filter → Organization-> Single User->gave a username and finished, Is it correct?
But when I finish the Manager step it is not going to the user I gave, it is failing.
Please see .Gif image
Please see image at this location : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-fY7V2DJcEUTnR6bXdCUk5UZ28
Your approach is valid as long as a user with the name vivek
exist in the organization deployed (check that from the administration view).
Anyway I would recommend to use another approach: declare an actor (e.g. “test”) and map this actor to your user in the configuration of the process.
I tried the both ways still it is not working…can you please share me an example of it.
Here is a process that demonstrate what you want to achieve using the default Bonita BPM Studio organization: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxqfd11yys3givb/DemoSingleUserDiagram-1.0.bos?dl=0