How can initiator see how many steps are left in process in User XP?

Is there a way for a user to see, for the requests they submitted, where and/or how many steps remain?


one possibility is to use the groovy API, you can get the process instances initiated by that user and check their state. If they are "started" then get the activity Instances for each instance, and check the state to see whether they are "ready", which means they are waiting for user interaction.

And if you want to see how many task left, you can check in the ProcessDefinition the whole activities in a process and compare with the "ready" activity.

Maybe there are some other ways, don't know


Hope this helps,





I've had the same question when I needed to provided a status such as "x% completed". The reason why we gave up with this approach (getting the nb of activities left) is that when the process definition contains branches (either parallel, iterative or conditionnal), the number is not meaningful:

  • some activities would never be executed
  • some activities may be executed multiple times

What is your business case requiring such requirement?

By the way, the workaround has been to set a process variable named "status" when certain points are reached in the activity flow. It was manual, hardcoded and imprecise but good enough for the managers who were responsible for following up the process executions.



We were hoping there was something already avaiable as a plug-in but thanks for the answers.
