I just want to start with the fact that I am completely new to Bonita so I apologize in advance for any errors in my terminology. If I need to clarify anything please let me know.
I have a BDM object called IncidentTopic which contains elements called name, description and a reference called prod_info, to another BDM object called ProductInfo. The BDM object ProductInfo contains elements called global_name and type. I have a business variable called incidentTopic of type IncidentTopic. My instantiation form is successfully populating the database with all of the information including a correct reference to the selected ProductInfo. However, when I try to populate a form for a human task that allows a person to review/edit the request I can’t seem to get access to the prod_info element of the IncidentTopic. I am currently accessing the IncidentTopic data through a variable I defined in the form editor with the following attributes:
Name: incidentTopicBDM
Type: External API
Value: …/{{context.incidentTopic_ref.link}}
I am successfully getting the values for incidentTopicBDM.name and incidentTopicBDM.description but the values for incidentTopicBDM.prod_info.global_name and incidentTopicBDM.prod_info.type are blank.
When I look at the response to the REST call to get incidentTopicBDM I can see name and description in the JSON object but for the prod_info it is listed in an array called links which is a JSON object with elements called rel and href. If I directly call the href in the link for prod_info I get back the correct information for the selected product. So I am pretty sure that my issue is that I’m not using the correct syntax to get the prod_info.global_name and prod_info.type. How do I access those data to populate some text fields?