How to Display Fields from Related BDM Object in a Data Table in Bonita UI Designer?

I’m working on a Bonita UI Designer page where I need to display data from a BDM object in a Data Table widget. One of the fields in my main BDM object is a reference to another BDM object. I want to display a field (config_name) from the related object as a column in the Data Table.

The issue is that the API provides the following result when querying the main BDM object:

        "persistenceId": 13,
        "persistenceId_string": "13",
        "persistenceVersion": 7,
        "persistenceVersion_string": "7",
        "name": "test",
        "links": [
                "rel": "config",
                "href": "/API/bdm/businessData/pl.lsy.bonita.hello.model.Project/13/config"
        "persistenceId": 35,
        "persistenceId_string": "35",
        "persistenceVersion": 0,
        "persistenceVersion_string": "0",
        "name": "2222",
        "links": [
                "rel": "config",
                "href": "/API/bdm/businessData/pl.lsy.bonita.hello.model.Project/35/config"

The config BDM object contains a field called config_name, and I would like to display this field in a column alongside data from the main BDM object.


Is there a way to automatically access and display fields from the config BDM object in the Data Table widget? For example, showing config_name in a separate column.

Kind regards,

Hi @dariusz.skarbek_1410

If I get it right, this is because the relationship between your objects are configured as LAZY instead of EAGER and that’s why you’re not getting the whole related object.

More information about LAZY vs EAGER: Data Management in the UI Designer | Bonita Documentation
How to configure from LAZY to EAGER: How to manage BDM in REST API extensions | Bonita Documentation

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much. It was this I was looking for!

Kind regards,

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