how end task after i finish work on external form


please help

i have admission process i use external url in fill student information task . then i have next task that i use UI designer to build form 

my question how go to next task  after finish my work in external form (fill student information) .

or how add buttom that can finish external form

note : my external form is not inside bonita its page on cloud .

Hi !

You must call the POST method on the userTask resource of the Bonita REST API: /API/bpm/userTask/:userTaskId/execution

NOTE: as your form is not in the Bonita webapp context, you’ll need to:

  1. Enable CORS on the Bonita server
  2. Handle the authentication to the Bonita server using the proper credentials
  3. Retrieve the relevant userTaskId to execute (maybe passing it as an url parameter in the external form ?)
  4. Make sure the task is assigned to user before executing it or use the assign=true URL parameter
