how to attach a file to a variable?


In version 6 we can associate documents with a pool or a lane  but

a variable no more can be an atttachment .


how to create a variable and assign it with a document?

How receive, in a form, a reference to a file and upload this file to a Alfresco server?


Hi everyone,

I was wondering how to get old atttachments from old process stored at the BOS database (Oracle, in my case) and just realized that I can't do that. I mean, I have no idea where the documents are being stored right now.

I tried to look at the Trello Application tutorial part I and II that Antoine asked to do but I still don't have a clue.

It was possible in older versions of Bonita? I'm using 6.1.1 at this moment.

Thanks for any help.

Hi all,

In Bonitav6 you will not find Attachment as a data type as in v5.

In this version you have one new item in the menu of the pool which is Documents

Hi all,

It seems it is not clear enough. Here you will find an full explanation on BonitaSoft Documentation page

As summary, in BonitaBPM v6.x there is no more attachments type like in v5. Now it is named documents and they have their own menu entry as you can see in this screenshoot
Document menu entry

And at the end of this blog post you will see how to manage the Java Object in which BonitaBPM manage attachments

Hello, in this video you can see an detailed example about this question:
Remenber: version 6.3.x don´t use attachments variables like version 5.
We hope this will be useful

do you solve how to upload and download files on bonita 6 ?

Help please, How to create a variable and assign it with a document?

How receive, in a form?

Someone resolved this problem?? How to create a type variable Attachment in Bonita 6??

						This problem is fatal in this version..!!!!</p>

Please give the solution… m also facing the same problem.

Someone resolved this problem?? How to create a type variable Attachment in Bonita 6?? this problem is fatal in this version..!!!!

Hi Rafael before try to give you an answer could you please confirm that your request is related to Bonita v.6? Or you are figuring out how get archived document from Bonita v.5? Let me know.


Rafael, do you want to retrieve documents from v5 in v6? Or is it about v6 documents in v6 ?

Hi Pablo,

is there any easy way to do same thing?
coz m using direct File widget .
taking the output of file widget in java object (org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.document.DocumentValue)

but m nt able to pass the same object again to file widget. if you can help on that , there will be no need to convert file into array n all…

Also how can we take document as input and use it in differrent hierachy.

eg. suppose there is perticular bill to be approved.

documents is to be submited by requester → level1 approver should be able to see the file contents → level 2 approver should also see the file contents.