How to authorize the User profile to access to the value of the activity variables from a form?

Recently, I noticied that I couldn’t retreive some values (read only) in the forms from the User profile whereas the Administrator profile could see all the values. So, I’ve been following the documentation and other posts in the forum to authorize the User profile to access to the value of the activity variables from a form.

The steps I followed were:
1- Adding profile|User=[flownode_visualization, task_visualization, flownode_management] in “\BonitaBPMCommunity-7.5.4\workspace\tomcat\setup\platform_conf\current\tenant_template_portal\”.
2- Push to update the configuration.
3- Reset Bonita

I’ve been trying different combinations in file but no one worked, I always receive a 403 error when logged in as a User.
Any idea of what is the problem?


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