I’m fairly new to Bonita BPM and worked through getting started tutorials.
I practiced with forms that allowed me to create business object instance who themselves have aggregate object instances of another type.
Now I’m wondering if it is possible to connect a new business object instance to existing(!) aggregate object instances of another type. And if this is indeed possible, how to do this …
Thanks in Advance,
Hi Ferry,
I think this following example can help you with your question: https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/aggregated-bdm-example
Hi Lio,
Thanks for your reply.
However, the example does not provide an answer to my question:
it lets you create a MainObject that contains a list of Items
However both MainObject and list Items are created in the same process
I was looking for a way to create MainObject but then relate it to a list of existing(!) Items.
Having said that, my imaginary use case was a class that has students.
For this use case I have found another solution