lest's suppose I've a process deployed that is scheduled to run every X (days or months, etc).
Is there any java api that I can use to get X?
Thank you
lest's suppose I've a process deployed that is scheduled to run every X (days or months, etc).
Is there any java api that I can use to get X?
Thank you
Hi Enrico,
You simply have to call the Engine Java method :
See class TimerEventTriggerInstanceSearchDescriptor for the search options capabilities.
Hope this helps
Hi Enrico,
You are perfectly right, the API method searchTimerEventTriggerInstances() takes a processInstanceId as a parameter, so it means that it only applies to timers linked to a process instance, that is to say, intermediate timers, boundary timers, and event-subprocess start timers.
For normal start timers, they are not linked to a specific instance, as they are defined on a process definition to trigger the creation of instances.
To retrieve them, you need to retrieve the process definition and inspect the start timers and their start condition:
ProcessManagementAPI.getDesignProcessDefinition().getFlowElementContainer().getStartEvents() ...
Hope this helps (better this time ;-)
Thank you.
I want to know the duration of a start event.
I did the following test:
Start a simple process with a timer (duration 1 minute) and human task;
Retrieve the processInstanceId from the portal;
Execute programmatically the query you suggested;
I don’t get any results for my start timer. I guess it’s logic I think the start event is archived at the moment.
Is there any way to workaround that? I don’t see any searchARCHIVEDTimerEventTriggerInstances() in the api…
Have you tried search for EventInstance "name"?
Yes, with searchOptions.filter(TimerEventTriggerInstanceSearchDescriptor.EVENT_INSTANCE_NAME, “Start Timer”);
Start timer events are not detected.
If I update the process adding a timer event “Timer2” after the human task, and I run the search before this timer is activated, then I find it correctly.