Java code to get ProcessName ProcessID from BPM.

Hi All,
I am new to this application and looking for a java code that can get ProcessId, ProcessName, TaskId and TaskName from BPM.

I searched a lot on internet and found following methods that can help to get the result:

ProcessDefinitionUUID getProcessDefinitionUUID()
ProcessInstanceUUID getProcessInstanceUUID()

Can Someone help me to understand the procedure to use above methods.

I really appreciate for the help.


Use this code:

import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.ProcessRuntimeAPI;

//get the API
ProcessRuntimeAPI processRuntimeAPI = apiAccessor.getProcessAPI();

//get the Process Name
String processName =

//get the Process Id
String processID =

For Task (Activity) you will want to have a look at FlowNodeInstance and use getDisplayName.

I will let you figure out how to use this. Call it homework. :slight_smile:


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

Hi Sean McP… I appreciate your quick answer…
Following is my doubt:

I am getting error for the keywords which are in bold format:


import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.ProcessRuntimeAPI;

class TestBonita {
ProcessRuntimeAPI processRuntimeAPI = apiAccessor.getProcessAPI();
// get the Process Name
String processName = processRuntimeAPI.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId).getName();

// get the Process Id
String processID = processRuntimeAPI.getProcessInstance(**processInstanceId**).getId();


Do I need to add anything here for errors??

Can you please share the code with me.??

Thank you. :slight_smile: