If you ever wondered how to retrieve data from a Rest API extension this article is for you.
When developing a Rest API extension, if you need to access data from your Database, these two options can be available to you :
- Using DAO and one of the queries available in your BDM;
- Using a SQL Query.
1. Using DAO :
As a first step, to be able to import your BDM objects you will need to add the following dependencies in your “pom.xml” file :
For the first option, here’s an example of code that you can use (in index.groovy for example) to call one of the queries available in your BDM :
def veloDAO = context.apiClient.getDAO(VeloDAO.class);
List<Velo> listeVelos = veloDAO.myQuery(0, 100)
Here we have already created a Business object called “Velo” and a custom query in the BDM (with no parameters). The list “listeVelos” will contain the results of your custom query.
2. Using a SQL Query :
For the second option, here’s an another example of code to use (in index.groovy for example) in order to call a SQL query directly from your groovy class :
private DataSource getDataSourceConnection(String sqlDataSourceName) {
try {
final Context ctx = new InitialContext();
final DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(sqlDataSourceName);
return dataSource;
} catch (NamingException e) {
// Handle your exception
return null;
Here you need to get your datasource (using your datasource name). Once you have your object Datasource, you can open a connection to the database and run your sql query as this example :
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet results = null;
final DataSource dataSource = getDataSourceConnection(sqlDataSourceName);
if (dataSource != null) {
con = dataSource.getConnection();
String sqlRequest = "SELECT * FROM VELO";
pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlRequest);
results = pstmt.executeQuery();
The result of your SQL query will be stored in a varialble of ResultSet type. After, you can access to all the fields contained inside.
Here’s an example of a Groovy class having these code examples :
Also, you can find here an example of a project with the same examples (Bonita 7.8.4 Subscription only) :
Here’s also the link to test your page in local : http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/extension/resourceName
I hope this little article helped you.