How to use Jasper connector to generate report from scratch?

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I am new to Bonitasoft BPM. I am currently using community edition 6.2.6 windows bundle. I want to find out how to use jasper connector to generate PDF report and then make it downloaded from bonitasoft form. So far i have been search around, no definite answer.

I am also curious to find out what is the default database bonitasoft for windows bundle is using? What is the jdbc and what is the database name? I tried to look to bonitasoft documentation for help but its not very clear.


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Hello Terry

Default bonita BPM internal database is h2, you should be able to find the needed information in the TOMCAT_HOME\conf\ file, the H2 driver string would be org.h2.Driver

To use the jasper5 connector to generate a PDF report and attach it to the process instance, can you try the following ?

  • first create a document data, i.e. generatedDoc
  • add one automatic task to your process, “generate PDF”, and add a jasper report connector to it, configure it (driver, url, login, pwd, jrxml file and relevant parameters, output format). The output operation should be “generatedReport SetDocument reportDocValue”.
  • add a human task to your process, “review report”, and add a form with a file widget (download only) with initial value set to “generatedReport”


Hi, renaud.pichot

  can u please step by step procuder because i am also strucking with tis so please if possible reply 
  try to provide each step to use jasper connector to generate report?

Dear Renaud,

Tks for advise. But what are the inputs of “driver, url, login, pwd, jrxml file” ? Is it the H2 default database settings ? If so , what is the default h2 default database settings ? For eg , driver ? Database name and location ? What should be the username and password ?


The settings on first configuration wizard page (driver, url, login, pwd) depends on the database of your choice. It should be targeting a business intelligence database (e.g. snowflake schema), not the bonita BPM internal database, as it is optimized for an engine usage (instead use the bonita API), not a reporting one.

Do you have a business intelligence database or a test database to try this ? Do you have a jasper report based on this database and ready to be used ?

Hi Renaud,

I am using windows bundle installer. So i cant set any database settings.


Do i need to set up a database such as mysql or sql before using bonitasoft and run in tomcat or jboss? This is because windows installer dont have database for me to choose. i guess its in-built database. Isnt ?

Bonita BPM uses an internal database, per default H2. With the windows installer bundle, you can use Bonita BPM without needing to configure other system. If you need to connect your process to an external system, you will need to have access to this external system. In the jasper report case, this external system can be described as the business intelligence database: you will get data from this external database to generate a report which will be used in your process.

Therefore, you need to have such external system. IMO, a WAMP server (Windows Apache Mysql Php server) is the easiest and fastest to configure (unless you have access to another existing database server on your machine or on your network).

Tks Renaud.

I’m having trouble getting my jasper connector working too, I tested at the Jasper Studio and it worked normally, did you get your jasper connector working?