Jasper connector?

How to get the reports in pdf format using 7.1.2 community ? I am able to get in 6.x. but, i want in 7.1.2 Can you please help me in this?

jasper 5.0 I am designing jasper and generates the .jrxml file and after i am creating a document in bonita studio and then giving the jasper reporting connector. But i am getting No Data.

Hi, ramireddy.pingala would u please explain or provide steps to get report in pdf formate in 6.x also, because i am not able to do that also…

  1. Add the files in E:\Bonita\Jasper Reports - Required Libraries$$$ Use these JARS to the Tomcathome/lib folder

  2. Import them to the Studio using Development/Manage JARS

  3. In the process configuration add the JARS as dependencies. See here

  4. see here for how to create a report in BonitaSoft:


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

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