How to use option list in UIDesigner


I have a process variable s_direction.
This variable is defined as List of Options.

My list of option name “direction” contain 4 values.

I want to retrieve this list of value in UIDesigner.

What is API URL to access at this list of options ?

Thanks for your help,


Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

In fact, I have no problem to get Session variable.
My problem is to get a list of options.

In Bonita v6, I created a session variable with list of options. This list of option contains some values, used as radio buttons in form.

In Bonita v7, I want to do same. For the moment I need to put in JSON the list of options. But it’s not logical because I have already set this list of options in Bonita Studio. So to avoid to support 2 lists of options, I want to retrieve in a JSON the list of options declared in Bonita Studio.

Thanks for your help,


For information, after discuss about this point with Bonita team. It is not possible to retrieve a list of option in UI Designer.

Option List must be only used for Bonita v6 Forms …

The workaround is to use Business Data,

There is no solution, Option List is deprecated in Bonita v7 without other solution … A regression for me.
Bonita will work on user interface to notice user about that.

You have to take a input widget and set the value as s_directionValue.value
There has to be an external API as s_directionValue = ./API/bpm/activityVariable/{{taskId}}/s_direction .

I had seen something similar in a example posted in BonitaSoft community .There is a .BOS file available as well. you can download it and see the form .
The name of .BOS file was ProcessVariableDiagram .

Hi Arnaud
Most of my work is in Bonita v7. I am not very familiar with v6 .

I will look into it and see if I have any code to handle that.

Mean while if you find a solution , please do update this thread. I will be most interested to see how we could work with list of options .