And sorry in question in unfamiliar English.
Please tell me if you have some people to become to you a good idea for the following content.
After the start of the case in the old version of the process, new as you upgrade to a new version of the process that adds a process variable, run the update of the variable of the new version process in REST command from the UI with respect to the case of the old version running processes then, it will become error because the course of as variable is not defined.
Even in the case of the old version process, I think there is no way to use the variable definition of new version process.
Let’s take an example :
a) Instance/Case N°1 running with old process version 1.0
b) Deploying process version 2.0 (and not removing version 1.0)
c) Instance/Case N°2 running with new process version 2.0
If you follow up this steps, the situation will be :
instance/case n°1 will finish with version 1.0 of process
any new instance will start with version 2.0.
If you want instance/case N°1 to use the version 2.0 you will need :
modify/migrate (with some dev) the case to integrate the new changes on 2.0
Start a new instance with 2.0 and copy the old instance N°1 information/data on this new instance.
I am thinking the following methods as a way to copy the old instance information to the new instance, but wants pointed out if there is a problem. Also, please tell me if there is a better way.
Create an instance of the old process version.
Create an instance of the new process version with additional variable.
Run the jdbcacsess.jar, to access the H2 DB of bonita.
Copy the old instance information to the empty new instance.
(Cases ID and data values, status information of human tasks, etc)
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.