Identify processes that contain a specific parameter

Is there a simplified way to identify which processes contain a given parameter? Or any extension of the Rest API available to the community that does this?

The solution I have is:
      1. Call the process API (../ API / bpm / process? ...)
      2. For each process ID, call the parameter api (../API/bpm/processParameter?...&f=process_id=$data.process[i].id)
      3. Among all the return parameters, identify whether the parameter of interest exists.

This seems to me a bit of work, making me believe that there may be something simpler. Going through all the processes and each one of its parameters requires a lot of performance when you have more than 100 active/inactive processes. 

Then I agree that developing a custom rest api extensions seems to be the most efficient way to achieve this use case.


What is the business need ? Is using search indices feature not a better option in your use case ?


Thanks for the answer,

In the process models (.bos) already developed, the information I seek was defined as a parameter. There is no possibility to change the .bos and the resource documentation you mentioned, it is not available for the Bonita Community version we use.

So, you would need a more simplified way to find which process has the parameter of interest. I will probably create an API extension to avoid the various api calls (as described in my question) in the user interface and that the extension receives the name of the parameter and returns the id of the processes that contain the inserted parameter.

In case I am forgetting something, and possibly complicating more than would be necessary, please let me know if you know.