Interesting question, and one that is fraught with problems.
And one that I would suggest no-one answers in this, a public forum.
Reason 1) We do not know who this person is who is asking the question, is he really from a financial institution or a competitor?
Reason 2) Forums are notorious for flamers and angels; flamers being those that don’t like a product and will tear it to pieces with no valid evidence, angels being those people who support the product unconditionally, (I don’t know the real name so using angels sounds right)
Reason 3) the individual can ask the company, Bonitasoft, all these questions and if they don’t like the answers they can walk somewhere else. If they do then they can negotiate with Bonitasoft correctly
Reason 4) Bonitasoft, like all other BPM companies, will give valid referees who they can ask real user questions of. It is then up to the company itself to make sure it works in their environment.
I’m sorry that this may not be to the question askers liking but it is a valid response, and this question should be put directly to Bonitasoft not an open forum.
You should contact Bonitasoft direct if you are considering Bonitasoft for a financial institution.
For what it’s worth, we’ve been using Bonitasoft for more than 4 years…we’ve also looked at other products because technology changes, and we’re still using Bonitasoft but that’s all we’ll say unless asked through Bonitasoft.
PS: While this may not be the answer you’re hoping for, it does indicate a possible solution, and if you like it, please mark as resolved.