Import .bos in tomcat bundle environment


These days I studied something about Bonita feauters, and I ended up to build some little workflows. Now I want to share my results to my colleagues showing the functioning of my Bonita application without using the Bonita portal, using the tomcat bundle provided here

My concern is: how can I import the .bos file generated in bonita studio inside this environment? as superuser I don't see anything that allow me to import the file, but only xml files, and it's not so comfortable since I have many pages / forms and processes.

Thank you in advance

Hello Frap,

.bos files are development artifacts hence are only to be used within Bonita Studio.

For deployment on a Tomcat bundle (server) you need to build your project, get the deployments artifacts and then install them through the Admin view.

Note: in the commercial edition of Bonita, there are tools to implement CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment) out of the box. 

Anyway, according to the documentation, here is what you are supposed to do:

Hope this helps,

Captain Bonita