In documentation, what does it mean: all development artifacts must be compiled with Java 8 byte code (target version)?


I use a JDK 11 for my Studio 7.10.4, but I develop REST API extensions and custom connectors, and I don't understand why the documentation says:

  1. Bonita can be executed on Java 8 or 11. All development artifacts (connectors, REST API extensions, etc) must be compiled with Java 8 byte code (target version).

How is it possible to compile part of the project in jdk11 (process, groovy scripts ...) and the other in jdk8 (connectors, REST API extensions, etc)?

Could you explain further this footnote from the documentation?



It means you have to either use a jdk 8 to compile your extensions or use a jdk 11 and specify a 1.8 target.

Example in a maven pom using maven-compiler-plugin, setting below properties will force compiler target version to 1.8


If you are using a studio to compile your connectors the target version is already configured.
