Is it possible to make a web application with our own customized ui using your UI designer and i need a database too?

for ex- i want to build an app with one form and i will provide one link to the end users, they will fill it and i will be having database in which all info of the form will be saved.
I want this UI and database to be made by bonita.
Or if you can suggest from above functionality i desire, what functionalities bonita can provide.

Hi Rajat,

In order to create such an application, you will first create your process using Bonita Studio, with your tasks, actors, connectors if for example you want to sent the form link by email to end users.

Data from your process will be stored in the engine database, but to manage business data, you will need a business database. You can use the Business Data Model proposed by Bonita and created from Bonita Studio.
Finally your user interface (your form, but also pages) can be created with UI Designer

To get used to the way to build process based applications with Bonita, I would suggest that you follow Bonita Camp tutorials. All videos are available on YouTube.

And of course you can refer to the online documentation.

I hope this helps.