Is there any way to view the data and case information for one particular task?

I want to find all the cases that have passed through a particular task (node) in my workflow, just to see how that node is performing and status of other cases pending on that node. Is this functionality in-built in Bonitasoft? If not, any tips on how I can go about implementing this?


Hi Abizer,

in order to perform what you want to do, we have created a module called Bonita Intelligent Continuous Improvement . Nevertheless this module is only available with our Enterprise Edition.

If you are developping on Community Edition, you can use BonitaAPI to retrieve data from particular tasks thanks to their state, and then export it in a report (or build your report with UI Designer)
i believe that the answer to the following question should help you : How to get a Task assigned date and Task Completed Date

Hope this helps. If so, please validate my answer, otherwise add a new comment.