I'm trying to get via Bonita API, the list of Pending Tasks for an especific CaseId, and the user/s assigned for all of this tasks.
I can see these data at the Bonita Portal / BPM Cases / Pending tasks. If I select the task, i would like to take the "Assigned to" data.
Many thanks !!
Carlos Castillo.
Hello to everyone,
I'm reopening this topic, since I need a solution. I think that if I can view this information on the portal, surely there is some way to consult it via API.
The information I need to recover is this:
For a case, there are two Pending tasks :

For each of these Pending tasks, i would need to recover : "Assigned to" and "Assigned date".

Any help will be welcome. Many many thanks,
Carlos Castillo
i share what i founded about this question.
If I use this API call:
it returns Pending tasks for a case.
With the id, I cant obtain the detail of the pending task:
If the pending task is assigned to 1 actor, it gives me the detail of the assigned actor (assigned_id. firstname, username, ...).
The problem now is if this pending task is assigned to more than one actor. Assigned_Id = "".
I can't understand. Any help will be welcome. Thank you
Carlos Castillo
for a human task , it can only be assigned to one person at a time. One task cannot be assigned to more than 1 person.
If the Task is assigned, then you can see Assigned to and Assigned date. else these would be empty / null.
Are you trying to implement a SLA / time elapsed for each task ?
I would recomend using a Non Interupting voundary timer.